GilaCMS 1.11.8 – ‘/cm/delete?t=’ LFI (Local File Inclusion) and RCE

Product Owner: GilaCMS

Application Name: GilaCMS 1.11.8

CVE ID: CVE-2020-5513

Type: Installable/Customer-Controlled Application

Application Release Date: 4th December,2019

Severity: Critical

Authentication: Required

Complexity: Easy

Vulnerability Name: Local File Inclusion in ‘/cm/delete?t=’

Vulnerability Explanation: The File Inclusion vulnerability allows an attacker to include a file, usually exploiting a “dynamic file inclusion” mechanisms implemented in the target application.

POST /gilacms/cm/delete?t={INJECTION_POINT} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------191691572411478
Content-Length: 258
Origin: http://localhost
Connection: close
Referer: http://localhost/gilacms/admin/content/post
Cookie: GSESSIONID=1lnubi23gip8tg9ue4gt6xtjatdgf7crevfwb8ovpl2g7dzau6; media_tab=assets; media_path=assets; asset_path=src%2Fcore%2Fassets

Verified In:
Firefox 71.0 (64-bit)
Windows 10
Hosted using XAMPP v3.2.4

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Login to the GilaCMS application as admin.
2. Create a new post and save it (http://localhost/gilacms/admin/content/post)

3. Now click on the delete icon for any of the post created and intercept the request sent to the web server using a proxy such as Burp Suite

4. The request sent to web server for deleting the post:

5. On changing the value of ‘t’ parameter to ‘../../../../../../../../WINDOWS/win.ini’ and forwarding the request, we get the contents of the win.ini file in the response.

Video POC for LFI:

Using LFI to perform Remote Code Execution:
1. Go to http://localhost/gilacms/admin/media and upload an image file.

2. Intercept the request using a proxy and change the image content to the following PHP code.

3. The image gets uploaded successfully and the images are stored in the assets folder.

4. Now using the already found LFI vulnerability, change the ‘t’ parameter to the path where the image (test.jpg) we uploaded is stored.

5. The PHP code gets executed and ‘It works’ gets echoed and printed in the response. Now adding another parameter (‘c’) to the request, we can perform command execution

Video POC on exploiting LFI & RCE to get a reverse shell:

Vulnerable Code:

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